BUZZ SHOW: Share Your Video to Earn On This Decentralized Social Media

The "Content is King" is a famous Quote which can be applied to any industry. The social media is buzzing with the pool of content each second and they continue to bring millions of people on the platform. The video market has been the most successful and most viewed form of content on the web. It has proved multiple times by many research and estimates. Every social media website has added Video option on its platform which is used by the user.
Shorter the video, greater the Impact. The reduced attention span on the web is another key feature of the users of the social media websites. People using it need short content that can easily be consumed on the go. People need content that is short and interesting. Every social media website is doing it best to earn through user-generated content without paying them anything. Given their centralized nature of the operation, we have seen data hacks and security breaches on the server. Today, there is a need for a platform which can bring opportunity for video content creators an equal share of profit.
BUZZ SHOW is here with a solution. It is building a decentralised social media for video contents. People can be part of the platform and post their videos. The content creators, content curators and viewers are most important part of the platform.
They wish to employ IPFS to fully decentralize their platform and bring security to the platform. Creators earn Goldies for uploading videos and as the growth occurs on their channel, they get an equal share of revenue generated from the video. The other key members of the BUZZ SHOW Ecosystem are validators, Moderators, developers and advertisers.
The team requires public support for the development of the platform. There are 150 million Goldies Tokens of which 62 % will be used for the Crowdsale. 35% of attracted funds are utilised in the business development and marketing activities while 25% of funds are reserved for research and development.
The team behind the platform are extremely hopeful for the future of the platform and are aware of the challenges they might face in the future.

Companies such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, and Instagram have realised the potential of Content and are earning in billions of dollar through user-generated content. The people responsible for the Content are not paid what they deserve. Distributing equal revenue to the creators and giving the opportunity to the viewers to earn, are two of the most important features of the BUZZ SHOW platform which will help them in the scaling of the platform.
Decentralised Social media for video is a unique concept which will create competition among users of the internet to produce quality content without fear of hacks. I think they have offered a unique model for social media of tomorrow but how people will react to it is something we are looking forward to.
To know more about project and ICO please visit:
Published by: Kishan748
Btalk profile:


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