HOMELEND: Decentralized P2P Mortgage Lending . Join The New Way To Find Your Home

Finding solace in our home is one of the most comforting feeling in the entire world. We often seek various measures to own a home. A property is decided after considering various metrics and intense analysis. We are what our home looks like or the place we choose to live. The growing population and the scale of urbanization has pushed the housing market to the boom. Large-scale funding in the infrastructure is one such reflection of the growing market in the world.
The industry has allowed many intermediaries to thrive and grow. They seem to wield more power than the finance companies and the banks. The customers are forced to choose the less vile operation to find their beautiful homes. Lending for homes has become a complex and difficult exercise in which many parties are involved. Blockchain technology can be a possible solution for the market.
Solution Offered
HOMELEND provides simple solution for the consumers who are looking for financing options for their homes. With smart contract technology, it brings transparency to the market where borrowing and lending parties are in direct communication on a single platform. Providing tools to the lenders for proper background checks and the analysis of the potential borrowers, it builds trust among the community of investors who are ready to take a bet on the platform based on the blockchain technology.

The borrowers on the platform to choose from the long list of potential lenders and present their cases to the selected party. Digital wallet and proper profile on the platform is provided to the each of the registering users. The option of selecting the currency to manage the transaction on the platform is provided to the users of the platform. P2P Mortgage lending is made simple on the platform. The creditworthiness of the borrowers is decided by the utilization of the advanced technologies, such as Machine learning and Data science.

The borrowers on the platform to choose from the long list of potential lenders and present their cases to the selected party. Digital wallet and proper profile on the platform is provided to the each of the registering users. The option of selecting the currency to manage the transaction on the platform is provided to the users of the platform. P2P Mortgage lending is made simple on the platform. The creditworthiness of the borrowers is decided by the utilization of the advanced technologies, such as Machine learning and Data science.
ICO INFORMATION AND TEAM(https://homelend.io/)
250 Million HMD tokens are issued for the platform in which 200 million will be distributed to the public. The token sale dates will be announced on the website. Funds will be spent on the development and the marketing of the platform. The team working on the project is experienced in the fields of IT and blockchain technology.
Deployment of the latest technology to improve the housing market is one such path which can bring the transparency and trust back in the market. Government and private interests are joined together to offer better and affordable homes to the average middle class population.
Well, in all this conundrum of financing our new home and acquiring new properties, we often find ourselves at the crossroads of complexity and opaqueness. Mortgage lending mechanism has become old and dysfunctional. The platform offers an alternative and innovative solution for the industry. Participation of the people on the platform will decide the successful implementation and the growth of the solution in the market. What do you think about the P2P Mortgage lending?
Website- https://homelend.io/
Published By- Kishan748
Btalk Profile- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1027561
Btalk Profile- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1027561
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