GESE: A Reliable Ecosystem For Alcohol Industry Based On the Blockchain Technology and AI

Alcohol, for many, is the only vehicle which makes life easier. People have been consuming alcohol since the time immemorial although the constituents of it have changed considerably along with the method of preparation due to advancement in technology. A few of the many problems of the alcohol industry includes large-scale counterfeit alcohol products, lack of promotion for the elite brands and consumer's unawareness about the different qualities of the alcohol.
The legislative ban on the promotion of alcohol brands in many parts of the world is a serious problem for the growth of the industry. The supply chain is filled with a complex web of intermediaries which create an inefficient market.
There is nearly zero interest in the projects related to the alcohol. Financing business related to the alcohol is extremely hard for the companies. Consumers, on the other hand, have to pay an excessive price for getting their favorite brands. Do you think a solution is possible for these challenges of the Alcohol industry?
Solution Offered
The GESE project is a perfect solution for the alcohol industry. It aims to unite all the stakeholders of the community on a single platform. The manufacturers and users are given equal opportunity on the platform. Based on the blockchain technology, each bottle of wine is tracked from the place of its manufacturing to the place of consumption. This solution creates transparency and reliability in the industry, thereby removing the counterfeit products from the market. Consumers on the platform can check the quality of the wine, and find the reliable information about any brands.
Local businesses on the platform can utilize multiple marketing tools to promote their brands and attract customers. Manufacturers on the platform can utilize the large customer base to promote their brands. NFC tag is attached to each bottle which provides reliable information about each bottle. The platform also acts as a personal assistant for the users based on the artificial intelligence.
It also acts a powerful platform for the businesses to promote their products based on the high volume of data. Proof Of Authority(PoA) consensus mechanism is utilized on the operating blockchain of the platform. Responsiveness, stability, and elasticity are a few of the many key characteristics of the platform.


600 Million GSE Tokens are created for the project. 65% of the total tokens are available for the ICO. Token pre-sale will start on 29th May 2018 and continue for fifteen days. The main ICO will begin on 1st July 2018 and continue for thirty days. 40% of the funds are utilized for the tag production while 30% of the funds are spent on the marketing of the project. The team is experienced in the fields of technology development and blockchain technology.
Manufacturers of famous brands are losing millions of dollars due to the counterfeit products, which ultimately hurts the trust of the consumers on the brands. In many countries, such as Russia, 30% of the total alcohol market is said to be filled with the counterfeit brands. The problem of the counterfeit products is prevalent in other sectors of business, such as retail and technology. People enjoy their drink at their own pleasure but the industry has not been able to properly utilize the potential of modern tools and governance.
Alcoholic beverage sales are steadily rising in the world as we integrate the latest technology to solve the challenges in the industry. Liquor market is experiencing significant changes in terms of the production and marketing of different alcohol products.
I think that blockchain technology will help the industry to solve the challenges of the current market and define a new path for the growth. What do you think about the NFC tag solution presented by the platform? Are we ready to know more about our favorite brands?
Published By:Kishan748
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