CASPER: Join the Decentralised Revolution By Offering Your Free Disk Space

All the information of the world cannot be stored in our brain. There is a limit for data storage in our brain and there is also a limit on the amount of data a computer can store. The endpoint is infinite because what started as a one MB has reached to TB and yet we are unsatisfied. All those applications we use daily on our phone to perform various tasks, and all these operations require storage. Many applications require high data storage to be able to offer a quality service to the users. The age of decentralisation is bringing a new wave of applications which would require large data storage capability.
Decentralized applications are being developed because they are secure, reliable and transparent. Blockchain technology is going to be the redefining factor in every sector of the business. Faster the development of DApps, faster the process of decentralization. So, it has become amply clear that data storage is an important element in the development of decentralised applications. Is there a way in which Data storage can be made easier and smooth?
Solution offered
CASPER is creating a simplified solution for DApp Data storage. Using the CASPER API, any kind of Blockchain platform with a DApp can utilise the data storage capability. Storing the information of the user by utilising the smart contract, CASPER is creating a new method of fast development of DApp. Based on the Ethereum proof of stake, it shares files using P2P technology. The file to be stored is split into parts for the reliable storage. They are working on the second stage of their platform by creating a network of decentralised and easy to access distributed virtual machinery tools. This can be used with the autonomous driving and AR/VR technology. You can become a supplier on the network by offering high-speed internet, free disk space and CASPER Tokens.

One CST is equal to the 256 GB. People can earn by giving away their free disk space to the people who need it for development of Decentralised applications. IPFS file distribution mechanism is used which makes the storage, distribution and sharing of the file much easier, transparent and reliable in a decentralised manner. The operation with several blockchain platforms based on the solution provided by CASPER, It seems that the age of decentralisation has arrived. Traders and service providers can be part of the platform to offer the free disk storage and start their business using the CASPER API.

One CST is equal to the 256 GB. People can earn by giving away their free disk space to the people who need it for development of Decentralised applications. IPFS file distribution mechanism is used which makes the storage, distribution and sharing of the file much easier, transparent and reliable in a decentralised manner. The operation with several blockchain platforms based on the solution provided by CASPER, It seems that the age of decentralisation has arrived. Traders and service providers can be part of the platform to offer the free disk storage and start their business using the CASPER API.
43.6% of total CST Tokens are reserved for the ICO. They are planning to conduct the ICO in late April 2018. The CST token can be utilised for a variety of purposes on the platform.

Tokens can be utilised for the services of the platform. They can also be traded on multiple cryptographic exchanges. The team is ready to bring the storage infrastructure for the decentralised applications as the latest tool for development of faster DApp.
Any application on your mobile or computer needs memory for its operation. Given the limited amount of storage available on the mobile and computer, it is always a trade-off between the amount of data and the importance of data. This is quite common in our daily life where we struggle to create space in phone storage. They have presented a detailed report on the future of the CASPER in which it is mentioned that the market for decentralised applications is estimated to reach 15% of the total IAAS Market by 2022. They believe that blockchain technology is going to be the next invention of the century and the CASPER API is going to be the frontrunner in the development of decentralised applications.
The P2P model is the reliable framework for file sharing and utilising the smart contract based execution of the contract, CASPER will bring the new dawn in the development of the Dapp. Offering services that are most important to the blockchain applications, they are able to meet the demands of the market. I think we will see a number of Blockchain applications utilising the services of CASPER in the coming future. What do you think about the future of the CASPER's Solution? Get ready to share Your Space.
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Published by: Kishan748
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