GANA: Revolutionizing the Cannabis Industry With the Help of AI, Big Data, and Blockchain technology
Whom do you believe when you're about to purchase a book or buy a dress? Traditionally, the plan has been very simple, getting recommendations from friends and family. Today, with the advent of the web and digital technology, the recommendation plan has been slightly altered yet the core remains the same. The rise of these technologies has been staggering considering the impact they have on the lives of people. Medical science is also utilizing the powers of these latest technologies to their advantage. The usage of the cannabis in the medical field is widely known. The cannabis industry requires the powerful technologies to fulfill its social and commercial responsibility. People involved in the process are searching for solutions based on the latest technology to bring scalability and usage of the cannabis. Solution offered GREEN AND NATURE ASSOCIATION(GANA) Technologies is developing an ecosystem of transparent AI development and Big data applications. Data collected f...