UHIVE: A New Social Media Platform Based on the Hybrid Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
The basic needs of humans on the planet earth is fulfilled in many of the ways, which are different from the time to time. Changing times have changed the tools of fulfilling the needs but not the cause. Food, shelter, love, self-esteem, and self-realization are a few of the many needs of human life, which they try to fulfill in their life. Our life has shifted to the different platform. Social media tools have given us a new birth and we maintain a new life or try to replicate the one we already have. With the help of different features available on the different platforms, we are able to accomplish many of the tasks that were impossible earlier. But, the sense of fulfillment never stops. We need more intimate relationships on the platform or a different approach from the current one. There is a need for adopting a different path for creating more meaningful relationships on the social media platforms. Do you think it is possible to create an entirely new social media structure fo...